
Scan for NOTE, OPTIMIZE, TODO, HACK, XXX, FIXME, and BUG comments within your source, and print them to stdout so you can deal with them. This is similar to the rake notes task from Rails.

It ends up giving you an output like this:

The color formatting is currently done using the excellent terminal coloring library chalk.

Fixme currently scans your matching files line-by-line looking for annotations in the code. As such; multi-line annotation capturing is currently not supported. All annotations must be on the same line.


In order to use Fixme all you need to do is install it:

npm install -g fixme

Note: There really shouldn't be much reason to globally install it...

Require it:

var fixme = require('fixme');

And finally; configure it when you call it:

// All values below are Fixme default values unless otherwise overridden here.
  path:                 process.cwd(),
  ignored_directories:  ['node_modules/**', '.git/**', '.hg/**'],
  file_patterns:        ['**/*.js', 'Makefile', '**/*.sh'],
  file_encoding:        'utf8',
  line_length_limit:    1000

You should then see some nice output when this is run:

• path/to/your/directory/file.js [4 messages]:
  [Line   1]  ✐ NOTE: This is here because sometimes an intermittent issue appears.
  [Line   7]  ↻ OPTIMIZE: This could be reworked to not do a O(N2) lookup.
  [Line   9]  ✓ TODO from John: Add a check here to ensure these are always strings.
  [Line  24]  ✄ HACK: I am doing something here that is horrible, but it works for now...
  [Line  89]  ✗ XXX: Let's do this better next time? It's bad.
  [Line 136]  ☠ FIXME: We sometimes get an undefined index in this array.
  [Line 211]  ☢ BUG: If the user inputs "Easter" we always output "Egg", even if they wanted a "Bunny".

Configure Options (In More Detail)

Using With GulpJS

Using this as a GulpJS task is pretty simple, here is a very straight-forward "notes" task:

gulp.task('notes', fixme);

That, of course, assumes all of the defaults in Fixme are ok with you. If not, this is still pretty simple to configure and run as a Gulp task:

gulp.task('notes', function () {
    path:                 process.cwd(),
    ignored_directories:  ['node_modules/**', '.git/**', '.hg/**'],
    file_patterns:        ['**/*.js', 'Makefile', '**/*.sh'],
    file_encoding:        'utf8',
    line_length_limit:    1000

Writing Comments for Use With Fixme

A code annotation needs to follow these rules to be picked up by Fixme:

Displaying Authors

You can have an author of a comment displayed via Fixme:

// NOTE(John Postlethwait): This comment will be shown as a note, and have an author!
  [Line 1]  ✐ NOTE from John Postlethwait: This comment will be shown as a note, and have an author!

More Examples

Take a look at the test/annotation_test.js file, all of those comments in there are supported and expected to parse with Fixme.